Line feed (ASCII 10)
Carriage returns (ASCII 13)
checksum type 1
Caractere ‘%’ (ASCII 37)
‘_’ is the character ‘blank (ASCII 32).
Checksum type 1 consists of two hexadecimal digits, which represent the result of a XOR from all characters
comprised between `\$' and `*' (`\$' e `*' not included). It is useful for NMEA datagrams.
One example of serial datagram is presented below:
Sending configuration
The <A
button allows transmitting the changes made to the unit.
By clicking <A
> a window will open requiring configuration username and password. Enter username
and password and click <L
>. To cancel de action, click <C
>. During the transmission, the unit will
go momentarily out of operation. Once the transmission is concluded, a message appears on the screen
informing the outputs synchronism signal change.
shows the username and password window and
the message after transmission.
Figure 31: Username and password window, and message after transmitting new time
parameters to the unit.
In case the new configuration is not transmitted to the unit, the changes will not be saved and will be
discarded once the Web Interface is closed.
Configuration Summary