Appendix A: Login Administration
Optima XR220amx X-Ray System
Rev 1 DRAFT 11092010
Operator Manual
© 2010 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Apply Configuration - Use the Apply Configuration button to save changes.
Restore Configuration - Use this button to undo any changes that have not been saved yet. If there
are any errors, you will get a popup box describing the error. If it is successful, you will see a green
label appear with confirmation information.
Users can become locked in one of two ways.
The user enters too many incorrect passwords. In this case, the user will be locked out for a
certain amount of time, even with a correct password. Once the time has elapsed, the user can
attempt a login again. An administrator can unlock this user before the lock duration time has
elapsed by un checking Locked under the Local User tab when a user is selected.
The administrator forcefully locks the user account. In this case, the lock duration does not
apply to a user who was forcefully locked by and administrator. They are locked until the
administration unlocks them.
3. Press [Apply Configurations].
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