Appendix A: Login Administration
Optima XR220amx X-Ray System
Rev 1 DRAFT 11092010
Operator Manual
© 2010 General Electric Company. All rights reserved.
Configure Local Users
The second tab on the EA3 Administration Component is the Local Users tab. On this tab, you can add
users, remove users, change user group memberships, change user names, change user passwords, lock
/ unlock users, force users to change their password on next login, etc. Below is a screen-shot of the EA3
Administration Component Local Users Tab:
1. Select the Local Users tab.
Figure A-7
Local Users Tab
2. Select the choices you wish to have selected.
Max Logon Attempts Before Lock - The number of failed login attempts a user can make before
their account is locked for a certain number of minutes. When a user account is locked, that user
will not be allowed to login, even if they provide the correct username/password combination.
Either the specified time must elapse before the user can login again, or a user with ADMIN role
must login to the EA3 Administration component to unlock the user. Note that locking only applies
to local users (enterprise user locking is managed by the enterprise server)
Minimum Password Length - The minimum length of a new password for a user. Note that if a pass-
word is below the minimum password length already, setting this value will have no effect on the
password. For example if your password is 8 characters, and someone changes the minimum pass-
word length to 10 characters, the 8 character password is still ok. However, next time the user
changes their password, they will have to choose a password that is 10 characters or greater. Note
that minimum password length only applies to local users (password length restrictions for enter-
prise users are managed by the enterprise server)
Lock Duration (Minutes) - The number of minutes a user stays locked for if they become locked
because of failed login attempts.
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