LOCATION 16 - EVENTS REPORTED TO PHONE #3 (2 segments, feature selection data)
Segment 1:
1 = Alarms and Alarm Restores.
2 = Opening and Closings.
3 = Zone Bypass and Bypass Restores.
4 = Zone Trouble and Trouble Restores.
5 = Power Fail, Low Battery, Power Restore, and Low Battery Restore.
6 = Bell Cut, Telephone Line Cut, Bell Cut Restore, Telephone Line Restore.
7 = Test Reports.
8 = Start and End programming, Download complete.
Segment 2:
1 = Zone and Box Tamper and Tamper Restore.
2 = Auxiliary Power Overcurrent and Ground Fault and Restore for both.
3 = Sensor Missing and Restore.
4 = Sensor Low Battery and Restore.
5 = Expander Trouble and Restore.
6 = Fail To Communicate.
7 = Zone Activity Monitor.
8 = Reserved.
LOCATION 17 - PARTITIONS REPORTED TO PHONE #3 (1 segment, feature selection data)
Location 17 is used when events to be reported to a phone number are based upon the partition regardless of the
event. If this location is used, location 16 should be "0".
Segment 1:
1 = Partition #1
2 = Partition #2
3 = Partition #3
4 = Partition #4
5 = Partition #5
6 = Partition #6
7 = Partition #7
8 = Partition #8
LOCATION 18 - CUSTOM COMMUNICATOR FORMAT (See locations 2, 8, &14)
Segment 1:
1 = On for 1800hz transmit; Off for 1900hz.
2= On for 2300hz handshake; Off for 1400hz.
3= On for cksum parity; Off for double round parity.
4= On for 2 digit event code; Off for 1 digit event code.
5= Reserved.
6= Reserved.
7= On for 20 p.p.s.; Off for 10 or 40 p.p.s.
8= On for 10 p.p.s.; Off for 20 or 40 p.p.s.
Segment 2:
1= On for pager format (no handshake required).
2= On for 1400/2300 handshake.
3= Reserved
4= Reserved.
5= On for Contact ID.
6= On for SIA.
7= On for Contact ID or 4+3.
8= On for DTMF.
Segment 3 & 4: Reserved.
LOCATION 19 - DOWNLOAD ACCESS CODE (8 segments, numerical data)
Location 19 contains the eight-digit access code the NX-8E must receive from the downloading software before the
panel will permit downloading to occur. The factory default code is 84800000.
LOCATION 20 - NUMBER OF RINGS TO ANSWER (1 segment, numerical data)
Location 20 contains the number of rings to answer for a download. Enter a number from
0" (disabled) to "15".
Factory default is "8" and the NX-8E will answer on 8 rings.