Segments 1 - 8:
1 = Partition #1
3 = Partition #3
5 = Partition #5
7 = Partition #7
2 = Partition #2
4 = Partition #4
6 = Partition #6
8 = Partition #8
LOCATION 190 - ZONES 129-136 ZONE TYPE (8 segments, numerical data)
Location 190 contains the Zone Type for zones 129-136. Segment 1 is for zone 129; Segment 8 is for zone 136.
Default Zone Types are found in the table on page 19. To customize a Zone Type, see page 33.
LOCATION 191 - PARTITION SELECT, ZONES 129-136 (8 segments of feature selection data)
Location 191 is used to select the partition(s) that zones 129-136 reside in. A zone may reside in any combination of
the 8 partitions. If a burglary zone resides in more than 1 partition, it will only be active when all partitions are
armed. A zone that resides in more than 1 partition will be reported to its lowest partition. Segment 1
corresponds to zone 129 and Segment 8 corresponds to zone 136.
Segments 1 - 8:
1 = Partition #1
3 = Partition #3
5 = Partition #5
7 = Partition #7
2 = Partition #2
4 = Partition #4
6 = Partition #6
8 = Partition #8
LOCATION 192 - ZONES 137-144 ZONE TYPE (8 segments, numerical data)
Location 192 contains the Zone Type for zones 137-144. Segment 1 is for zone 137; Segment 8 is for zone 144.
Default Zone Types are found in the table on page 19. To customize a Zone Type, see page 33.
LOCATION 193 - PARTITION SELECT, ZONES 137-144 (8 segments of feature selection data)
Location 193 is used to select the partition(s) that zones 137-144 reside in. A zone may reside in any combination of
the 8 partitions. If a burglary zone resides in more than 1 partition, it will only be active when all partitions are
armed. A zone that resides in more than 1 partition will be reported to its lowest partition. Segment 1
corresponds to zone 137 and Segment 8 corresponds to zone 144.
Segments 1 - 8:
1 = Partition #1
3 = Partition #3
5 = Partition #5
7 = Partition #7
2 = Partition #2
4 = Partition #4
6 = Partition #6
8 = Partition #8
LOCATION 194 - ZONES 145-152 ZONE TYPE (8 segments, numerical data)
Location 194 contains the Zone Type for zones 145-152. Segment 1 is for zone 145; Segment 8 is for zone 152.
Default Zone Types are found in the table on page 19. To customize a Zone Type, see page 33.
LOCATION 195 - PARTITION SELECT, ZONES 145-152 (8 segments of feature selection data)
Location 195 is used to select the partition(s) that zones 145-152 reside in. A zone may reside in any combination of
the 8 partitions. If a burglary zone resides in more than 1 partition, it will only be active when all partitions are
armed. A zone that resides in more than 1 partition will be reported to its lowest partition. Segment 1
corresponds to zone 145 and Segment 8 corresponds to zone 152.
Segments 1 - 8:
1 = Partition #1
3 = Partition #3
5 = Partition #5
7 = Partition #7
2 = Partition #2
4 = Partition #4
6 = Partition #6
8 = Partition #8
LOCATION 196 - ZONES 153-160 ZONE TYPE (8 segments, numerical data)
Location 196 contains the Zone Type for zones 153-160. Segment 1 is for zone 153; Segment 8 is for zone 160.
Default Zone Types are found in the table on page 19. To customize a Zone Type, see page 33.
LOCATION 197 - PARTITION SELECT, ZONES 153-160 (8 segments of feature selection data)
Location 197 is used to select the partition(s) that zones 153-160 reside in. A zone may reside in any combination of
the 8 partitions. If a burglary zone resides in more than 1 partition, it will only be active when all partitions are
armed. A zone that resides in more than 1 partition will be reported to its lowest partition. Segment 1
corresponds to zone 153 and Segment 8 corresponds to zone 160.
Segments 1 - 8:
1 = Partition #1
3 = Partition #3
5 = Partition #5
7 = Partition #7
2 = Partition #2
4 = Partition #4
6 = Partition #6
8 = Partition #8