The RMS-9 MicroVersaTrip
system for AKR low voltage
power circuit breakers ?On
sists of four parts: plug-In
protection programmer, flux
shift trip device, current sen
sors and rating plugs.
The programmer contains
a current sensor-powered,
solid-state logic unit and in
corporates rotary adjus
ment switches for up to nme
functions, as well as targets
for mechanical fault trip indi
MicroVersaTrip RMS-9
represents the latest tech
nology in digital solid-state
RMS Digital
Sensing of
Sinusoidal and Non
The RMS-9 provides accu
rate overload protection for
both sinusoidal and non
sinusoidal currents by direct
measurement of the true
rms content of the curr.ent
wave. This is accomplished
by microprocessor digital
sampling techniques.
F IXOd <::urrL'rl\
Therefore, the solid state
microprocessor is not af
fected by component toler
ance and does not require
compensation for signal dis
tortion. Since the design is
based on complimentary
metal oxide (CMOS) tech
nology, it is less sensitive to
extraneous noise produced
by lighting, instrumentation,
radio, etc.
The solid state microproces
sor technology and fast ana
log to digital converters
make it possible to measure
the magnitude of the phase
current over a number of
time periods within the cy
cle. The RMS-9 sampling
rate of 27 per cycle for each
phase allows for errors of
less than 1 % on systems
with distortions through the
13th harmonic. This digital
sampling technique pro
vides the most accurate
system protection fo� distri
bution systems that mclude
ac and de variable speed
drives, rectifiers, induction
heating, and other loads
that cause non-sinusoidal
FuH Function
lnp Unit
Available with Vanous
Gombmat1ons of
Protection Features.
The RMS-9 trip line of pro
grammers provides maxi
mum breaker to breaker se
lectivity and custom load
protection. Short-ti�e a�d
Ground Fault functions In
clude the flexibility of coordi
nation with and without an
12T ramp. Type AKR power
circuit breakers are avail
able with High Range In
stantaneous, No Instanta
neous, or Switchable (OFF)
Instantaneous, and Ground
Fault. All programmers in
clude a clear plastic cover
with provisions for sealing
for tamper-proof installation.
Flux-shift Trip Device
The flux-shifter is a low en
ergy, positive action tr
device that is automatically
powered and controlled by
RMS-9 Sy
the protection programmer.
The low energy signal from
the programmer counteracts
the strength of a permanent
magnet in the flux-shifter, al
lowing a spring to unseal
the magnet·and trip the
Current Sensors
Three toroidal current sen
sors provide maximum flex
ibility and reliability with
minimum signal error. Cur
rent sensor ratios are shown
in Table 30. 1 , page
n�� Plugs Provide
Convenient Flexibility
in Ma!tching
Req uirements
All RMS-9 programmers uti
lize a broad range of field
installable rating plugs for
future uprating capability,
minimum size cable selec
tion , and an extra degree of
coordination flexibility.
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