Draw Out General Purpose Enclosure- NEMA 1
For indoor use, the one-high
closed door draw out steel
housing is complete with a
draw out breaker (draw out
mounting type letter "/\').
The unit is wall-mounted in
the AKR-30 and -50 sizes,
floor-mounted in the AKR-75
and -100 sizes.
The draw out operation
features the same four posi
tions and functions in the
same manner as described
earlier tor draw out AKR sub
structures. Breaker position,
though, is clearly identified
by a rotary indicator visible
through a door opening.
With the door open, the
breaker can be pulled out
manually from the DISCON
position so that the breaker
is completely out of its com
partment and ready for
The draw out mechanism
is externally operated by a
removable racking handle.
Two mechanism types
are employed. A breaker
mounted, screw
nut type services the AKR-
30 and -50 frames, and the
racking handle is inserted
through an opening in the
breaker escutcheon. The
equipment mounted type
mechanism is employed on
the AKR-75 and -1 00 models
(mounting type "/\' break
ers), and the racking handle
is inserted through an open
ing in the left side of the
door. In both mechanism
types the breaker is sup
ported by two pins protrud
ing from each side of its
frame, these engaging slots
in the telescoping rails fas
tened to the enclosure walls.
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