Event to relay 64
Each event which is stored in the 99 event log can also activate a relay. Use this menu to choose
which relay. Use
UP (1)
DOWN (5)
to choose the event (which is displayed on the LCD) and
then use + (4) and
– (2)
to choose which of the 64 relays to drive. The default is not to drive any
Also, each event can drive the first 16 relays as a pattern which is ORed in. This means that
patterns which overlap will mix together and effectively create a group action. Each event has its
own individual pattern of 16 bits, where 1 = relay active and these can be edited using the
display where a cursor is moved using
+ (4)
– (2)
buttons and
UP (1)
DOWN (5)
will set
one and zero in the cursor position.
gfedcba987654321 represent the 16 relays. 1 = relay 1 and g = relay 16.
With so many events needing patterns, it is usual to download these patterns from a PC using
menu number 29. Note: that if a relay is normally energised (menu 36) then the effect of a 1 will
turn the relay off. Pressing
will exit this menu.
Additionally, pattern 8765 321 can be redirected to 7 relays on the Combi input PCB. The fault
relay 4 always remains as Fault but the remaining relays are assigned as follows:
Low, High, Overange, Opt1, Opt2, Opt3, Opt4. These will mimic remote relays 123 5678
respectively. This feature eliminates the need to fit a remote relay PCB for smaller installations.
will exit this menu.
Relay off Timers
Each of the 8 relays on the main PCB can have delayed de-energise times and this menu allows
you to set the delay in seconds. Use
UP (1)
DOWN (5)
to select which of the 8 relays to set
and then
+ (4)
– (2)
to alter the time. The minimum time is 1 second and the maximum is
255 seconds. This feature is extended to the first 16 relays which have a pattern output created
by an event.
will exit this menu.
Channel Voting
There are 4 groups of sensors which drive 4 option (voting) relays. This menu allows you to set
how many alarms in a group are required before its relay will energise and then which sensors
are in the group. Sensors can be in any group or multiple groups or no groups.
The first part of this menu enables you to set the number of alarms by using
+ (4)
– (2)
buttons. The maximum is 10 alarms. Use the
UP (1)
DOWN (5)
buttons to change the group
number being set. Pressing
goes to the second part of this menu this sets which
group the 4-20 direct channels are in followed by the addressable channels. The
+ (4)
– (2)
changes the group and
UP (1)
DOWN (5)
changes the channel.
If a sensor channel is in group 1 the display would be
1 - - - - - - -
If a sensor channel is in group 3 the display would be
- - 3 - - - - -
If a sensor channel is in group 1 and 3 the display would be
1 - 3 - - - - -
If a sensor channel is in group 1, 2, 3 and 7 the display would be 1 2 3 - - - 7 -
If a sensor channel is in no groups the display would be
- - - - - - - -
will exit this menu.