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F 60 H Operation and Maintenance Manual
© April 2001 General Binding Corporation
The Falcon 60 H requires single phase, 230 to
240 vac, 50/ 60 Hz, 40 amp service. No other
type of connection is permitted.
T h e Falcon 60 H L am inator is a large an d
h eavy piece of eq uipm en t. It is n ecessary to
em ploy L IC E N S E D R IG G E R S O N L Y to
m ove the lam inator. T he lam in ator is not
d esign ed to be tipp ed up or sid ew ays in any
w ay. S uch action d istu rb s the exact
alignm en t of the rollin g p arts of the m ach in e
and requ ires extensive realign m ent. Y ou can
b e cru sh ed or seriously inju red.
For instructions on how to connect power,
proceed to 4.9 Connecting power in this section.