Wallcon X-treme boilers can be used as a single
boiler or as cascade for up to 16 boilers.
Particularly during the season passes, the heat
requirement of the system may be very low. Cascade
systems run only 1 boiler to meet this low heat
requirement and provide efficient operation. In the
same way, cascade systems, can activate all of the
boilers when heat demand increased, saves energy
by operating in a wide range of modulation.
Boilers in the cascade system share the heat load
evenly. Master Boiler's EQUAL AGING function
ensures that each boiler works evenly, ensuring high
efficiency and long life time.
In cascade systems, one of the boilers is used as
MASTER (LEADER), others are used as SLAVES
(FOLLOWERS). While all settings of the cascade
system are done via the MASTER boiler, SLAVE
boilers work under the control of the MASTER boiler.
MASTER boiler has a display.
In the MASTER and SLAVE boilers, the RESET button
is located in different places.
MASTER and SLAVE boilers have different softwares.
The communication between the MASTER boiler and
the other boilers is carried out with the cascade
module which is standard in all boilers.
For detailed information about the installation of the
cascade system please contact nearest authorized
service center or GASSERO.
WALLCON X-treme 115-125-150