Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Pressure Regulating Valve – Model Ares N
Prepared by
Verified by/ Approved by
José Junior
Vanízio Lizo
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It should rest clearly understood that the information presented in these Commissioning Instructions is not intended to
revoke or replace instructions determined by any competent body, and reference shall be made to the relevant Standards
and/or to existing recommendations on the subject.
Before commissioning, the execution of appropriate "Cleaning and Purification Procedures" is implied. Furthermore, all
instructions on "Pressurization" and the "Work Standards on Health and Safety" must be strictly met.
Valves' manufacturers recommendations, such as "open slowly" or "open very slowly" must be strictly observed.
Regulators, valves and other pressurized components that contain toxic gases, flammable or other hazardous products,
are potentially dangerous if not operated and maintained correctly. It is mandatory that all users of this equipment are
properly educated and guided on potential dangers, and get assured that the personnel responsible for their installation,
testing, commissioning, operation, and the plant maintenance are competent to perform these tasks. Instruction manuals
are provided for the operators’ guidance, but it is assumed that they have a basic level of knowledge. If there are any
questions or ambiguities that affect the proper procedures ask
Ind. e Com. Ltda., who will be pleased to advise or
provide the relevant service or instruction.
Our phone, fax and e-mail numbers are the following:
Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
Rodovia SP 73, 1141 - Indaiatuba / São Paulo.
CEP 13347-990
Phone: 55 19 3936-9300
Fax: 55 19 3935-6009
The items that follow, although not exhaustive, provide guidance on possible sources of danger to health and safety.
1.2.1 NOISE
Regulators, valves and pressure reducers can generate high levels of noise, which may be harmful to persons exposed
to them for long periods. Users should ensure that adequate precautions are taken in order to provide health safety to
employees and/or to third parties according to the Standards and recommendations in force.
All equipment, piping and vessels are designed to withstand mechanical stress, such as torque and bending moments
in addition to internal pressure. However, maximum care must be taken during installation, not to impose excessive stress,
which may cause cracks that may result in a serious break when the regulator is put into operation. Excessive stress can
also be caused because the valve cannot sustain piping stretches, which require adequate support.
All regulators, shutoff valves, relief valves, etc., must be installed with the correct flow direction.
Impulse lines are important components of any control system, and their proper installation is essential, with no isolation
Impulse lines shall be properly supported to reduce excessive vibration, which may cause fatigue rupture. They shall
also be positioned so that they cannot serve as hand or footrest. Impulse lines should be slightly inclined so that liquid and
condensates drain towards the main pipe.
When necessary (in underground facilities or indoor area) a ventilation pipe shall be installed from the threaded hole
(ؼ” NPT), found in the valve bell or in the diaphragm housing, and extended to a safe and ventilated location, with the
vent output protected to prevent it from inlet of rain water and insects that can obstruct ventilation.
Auxiliary systems shall not be changed or modified without knowledge of the operating conditions and the responsible
personnel permission.