Multi Gas Clip Simple Plus User’s Manual
UM MGC-S-PLUS v1.00a
Portable gas detectors you can count on
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During operation, the detector automatically records all usage activity. These records can be downloaded from the detector
using the or MGC Simple Clip Dock.
The Event, Bump and Calibration Logs are always downloaded. Partial data logs may be downloaded in order to reduce the
transfer time. Partial data logs contain approximately 1 week of data. New data log downloads will only contain the data since
the last download. Full log downloads contain the entire data log, typically at least 2 months’ worth of data.
Event Log
The detector stores the last 50 alarm events. These are organized by first in, first out (FIFO) so the 51st event will replace the
first event and so on. The detector records the specific alarm conditions for each event as follows:
• Date and time at the start of the event
• Duration of the alarm condition
• Each sensor’s peak alarm status and reading
Bump Log
The detector stores the last 50 bump tests. These are organized by first in, first out (FIFO) so the 51st bump test will replace
the first bump test and so on. Bump tests are differentiated from normal events when the alarm condition occurs inside of an
MGC Simple Clip Dock, or when the detector is manually bump tested according to the Bump Testing section. The detector
records the bump status for each test as follows:
• Date and time of bump test
• If the bump test was performed manually or with the MGC Simple Clip Dock
• Each sensor’s peak alarm status and reading
• The result of each sensor’s bump test
Calibration Log
The detector records the last 50 calibration attempts. These are organized by first in, first out (FIFO) so the 51st calibration will
replace the first calibration and so on. Each calibration attempt will be recorded as follows:
• Date and time of calibration
• If the calibration was performed manually or with the MGC Simple Clip Dock
• Each sensor’s gas concentration calibrated to
• Each sensor’s calibration success status
Data Log
The detector records its current operational status every second. The logging interval cannot be adjusted, but the detector
compresses the data to reduce the storage and transfer times of redundant records. The typical logging capacity is at least 2
months of data. The following items are recorded into the log:
• Date and time
• Sensor readings and status conditions
• All user and sensor options
• Events (i.e. low alarm, high alarm)