The PCX5 software has the capability to load part of itself into expanded
memory. This greatly increases the execution speed of the software.
Additionally, some (or all) plot data may be loaded into expanded memory.
Up to 16 megabytes of expanded memory may be used by this software,
giving it the capability to display very large plot files. (Approximately 16,000
points/megabyte times 16 megabytes = 256,000 points!)
Use of a disk caching program, such as Microsoft
Smartdrive, will improve
performance by reducing access time to/from the disk drive. For information
on setting up a disk cache, refer to your computer’s operating system
Before actually installing the PCX5 program, you should make a backup
copy of your original diskette and place the original in a safe place.
To install the software onto a hard drive, insert the diskette into the floppy
drive (i.e., drive “A:”) and run the installation program:
A:INSTALL target directory
where “A:” is the appropriate floppy drive and “target directory” is the
directory on the hard drive in which the software is to reside. The install
program will automatically copy the required files into the specified directory.
Once installed, consult the README.TXT file for any changes or additions
not covered in this manual.
The PCX5 software expects to find related support files in the same MS-DOS
directory as the executable, PCX5.COM. If in the process of running the
program, it cannot find one of these support files, an error message will be
ERROR! - Cannot locate file: <file>
Please reinstall the software from your distribution disk(s).