GT7 Terminal
- Generate new self-signed certificate: If encrypted communication between the GT7 terminal and the server is being used
(via TLS over HTTPS or WSS), the GT7 terminal requires a certificate. It is
recommended that you use a certificate issued by a certification authority. Alternatively,
you can create a certificate yourself by clicking on
“Create new self-signed certificate”.
The GT7 terminal must then be restarted.
If a self-signed certificate already exists on the device, it will be replaced by the
new certificate.
- Generate CSR:
To have a server certificate or an 802.1X user certificate created by a certification
authority, you can create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Enter your data, e.g.,
company name, country, and IP, here.
- Install server certificate:
If the GT7 terminal is acting as a web server (e.g., when using Relaxx software, which
acts as a
“client”, to establish the connection to the “server” GT7 terminal), a certificate
for the server, i.e., on the GT7 terminal, is required for a secure connection via TLS.
You can create this using CSR and then install it here. To do this, drag the file with the
certificate to the field provided and click
“Install server certificate”.
- Install 802.1X CA certificate:
Here, you can install an official certificate from a certification authority for authentication
using 802.1X. To do this, drag the file with the certificate to the field provided and click
"Install 802.1X CA Certificate".
- Install 802.1X user certificate:
Here, you can install a certificate previously created using CSR for authentication using
802.1X. To do this, drag the file with the certificate to the field provided and click on
"Install 802.1X user certificate".
► If it is necessary to add a new certificate, simply drag the certificate file to the "Drop certificate here" field.