4.3 Setting the Day of the Week
and Time For Cyclical and One-Time
Irrigation Programs
These programs enable you to pre-set the time
of valve opening. The number of days until the
valve opening appears on the display, to the
right of the irrigation start time (above the word
"days"). 0 days = program starts today; 1 day
= program starts tomorrow, etc. (up to 30 days).
1. Press until START I appears. The last opening time entered appears
on the display.
2. Press . The hour digits blink.
3. Set the desired opening time by pressing or (Take note of AM and PM
4. Press until the digit to the right of the opening time blinks (The digit above the
word "days").
5. Set the number of days until the opening of the valve by pressing or .
• Valve openings 2, 3 and 4 are canceled in this mode.
4.4 Example: Programming a Cyclical Irrigation Schedule
Let's assume you want to program the irrigation controller to open the valve at 12:45
PM, for a period of one hour, every 5 days.
1. Set the irrigation duration as described in Section 3.4: Setting the Irrigation Duration.
(Press until appears, then set the desired irrigation duration by pressing
or ).
2. Press until
3. Press a number of times (for all the days of the week) until On CE appears blinking
on the display.
4. While the display is still blinking, press or until "5 days" appears on the display,
representing the irrigation frequency.
5. Press . START I is displayed.
6. Press . The hour digits blink.
7. Press until the hour digits change to 12 (PM).
8. Press until the minute digits change to 45.