C o m p u t e r i z e d C o n t r o l S y s t e m s
Main Features:
Independent programming of each
individual valve
Weekly or cyclical programming
Up to 4 operations per day in weekly
program mode
Irrigation duration one minute to
12 hours
Irrigation frequency once a day to once
every thirty days in a cyclical program
Waterproof when immersed in water
Rain off sensor option
Weather resistant
Irrigation duration modifiable as a
function of percentage entered
Operation of one to 4 valves and a
master valve
Computerized "manual" operation of
individual valves
Sequential “manual” operation - optional
Batteries: DC-1-4: two 9V alkaline
This handbook provides the installation and operating instructions for
the DC-1 and DC-4 controllers
and S series DC-1S, DC-4S, DC-6S
Battery Operated Advanced Computerized Irrigation
Controller Installation and Operating Instructions