size 100mI and greater the maximum rpm is restricted. This is a safety feature to optimize
the power exposure for all material, jars, and mixing blades particularly when using larger
Afterwards you may choose the initial mixing time with “+” or “-“. The time is set to a
maximum of 10 minutes to begin with. Enter with “ok”.
At the next step you may enter the initial mixing speed (rpm). With “ok“ you may confirm
your selection and the mixing process begins.
During the mixing process you may modify the mixing time if needed with pushing the
“+” or “-“ key. With “ok” you can also move to the rpm setting. The speed may also be
adjusted with “+” or “-“. As soon as the new rpm would not be changed for more than 3
seconds, the new speed level will automatically become effective and the mixing process
will be adjusted accordingly. An additional mixing level will be started. After pushing “ok”
you may go back to the time setting again.
According to this procedure it is possible to save 6 different mixing levels. Since each of
the 6 mixing level can be max. 10 minutes long, the total mixing time is 60 minutes.
After each completed mixing process the UNGUATOR® Q generates an identification
number which contains all mixing parameters. You have the opportunity to save, record or
reject the number. Saving the formulation enables you to individually name it. Rejecting
the identification number would not allow the data being retrieved again and the
information is lost.
In case more than 6 mixing levels have been entered or if the mixing process was
interrupted for any reason the UNGUATOR® Q does not create an identification number.
You may continue mixing on your own responsibility or starting the mixing process over.
6.4.3 Individual
The archive of the individually created and previously saved mixing programs is listed in
the “Individual” program.
With “+” or “-” you may browse a list in alphabetical order and enter your selection with
At the next step you may define your jar sizes with “+” or “-”, entering with “ok”. The
UNGUATOR® Q scales and adjusts all previously entered mixing parameters automatically
for the selected jar size.
Scaling is limited to min. 5 seconds and max. 10 minutes for each mixing level. Hence
smaller or greater time intervals cannot be processed.