To switch on and test
The following section assumes the Installer has access to another mobile phone
capable of sending and receiving SMS text messages. These messages are used
to send Test and Configuration commands to the Commander GSM phone.
Alternatively the USB connection can be used. Please see Appendix A.
1 Press and hold the red button located at the base of the main circuit board.
The FUNCTION and ERROR indicators will both light and will then go off, when
this occurs release the button.
The FUNCTION indicator will flash rapidly to indicate that the phone is initialis-
ing and is searching for a valid mobile network.
2 After several seconds, the FUNCTION indicator should flash less frequently to
indicate that a call may be made or received.
If there is an error, for example no SIM installed, the ERROR indicator will light.
See the table on the previous page for a full list of indicator conditions.
3 Using a mobile phone, send an SMS status command to the phone requesting
the current status. Use the following format for your outgoing message:
is the default PIN code.)
The reply should be similar to the following:
State: 14
Signal: -89dBm
Supply: 12.2V
Bat: 4.191V
Now: 20
Min: 18
Max: 26
No fault/Fault
Ver: 1.0
4 If all is well with the status response, close and seal the enclosure:
a Carefully place the front casing onto the rear, taking care not to dislodge or
trap any of the internal cables.
b Insert the three hex bolts and use a 5mm hex key to tighten the bolts.
c Check that a good weatherproof seal exists between the front and rear
5 Make a call to the phone to ensure the sounder operates. Then make an
outgoing call from the phone to an external number. This will only be possible
on a phone with a full keypad otherwise auto-dial numbers will first need to be
programmed, see Appendix A.
Note: It is possible to configure the phone to inhibit incoming calls. If so
configured, the sounder will not sound, but the phone can still receive SMS
messages, acknowledge commands via SMS and communicate via USB.