Technical Documentation G.Mondini S.p.A. Tray Sealer TRAVE-350
Extra Equipment
Tool Trolley
Positioned to the side of the tray sealer,
assembled on wheels and locked in position,
the bottom and top tool can be transferred into
the trolley very easily. The top tool is
automatically secured in position once the
trolley is unlocked from the tray sealer. Now
the trolley can be taken to the maintenance
area. The top tool can be rotated up-side down
through a gear box helping a lot cleaning and
maintenance. Stainless steel construction.
Hidraulical Tool Trolley
Compared to the standard trolley, it has an
hydraulic levelling system.
For this reason it can be adaptable in height to
the different TRAVE and to the tool racks
avoiding to act on handle-wheels.
Two-sided tool trolley
This is a two-faced trolley with the possibility
to extract the tool from both right and left
handed machines. Asymmetric hooks avoid
possible matching errors between trolley and
Tool Rack
To easily accommodate the different tools a
tool rack, in stainless steel, is available. It can
also be equipped with wheels or pre heating