Show/Set extended stand-by time
PTE(:setting value)
Available setting value: 000 to 015
xxx: Current setting value (as referring the value)
Normal end (as setting the value)
N0: Command
- This command can refer and/or set the time duration of the extended stand-by time. The extended
stand-by time duration is the setting value of this command times 20ms. For example, if the setting
value is 010, the extended stand-by time duration is 200ms (010 x 20ms). If the setting value is 000, the
extended stand-by time is not available.
[Example of use]
Show current setting value
The setting value is 003. It means that the extended stand-by time duration is
60ms (003 x 20ms).
Set the extended stand-by time duration to 300ms (015 x 20ms).
<P0<Cr><Lf> :
Normal end.
If the data packet is sent by broadcasting mode and/or the address
check function (REG18) setting is “
Disabling group address check at
reception”, the FDP03 does not turn to the “Extended Stand-by mode” even if
the extended time duration is set.
Show/Set stand-by time
PTN(:setting value)
Available setting value: 001 to 255
xxx: Current setting value (as referring the value)
Normal end (as setting the value)
N0: Command
- This command can refer and/or set the time duration of the stand-by time. During the stand-by time, the
RF circuit is turned on. The stand-by time duration is the setting value of this command times 10ms.
For instance, if the setting value is 010, the extended stand-by time duration is 100ms (010 x 10ms).
[Example of use]
Show current setting value
The setting value is 005. It means that the stand-by time duration is 50ms (005
x 10ms).
Set the extended stand-by time duration to 70ms (007 x 10ms).
<P0<Cr><Lf> :
Normal end.