REG14 (unused)
[Default: 00H]
This register is not used. It should be default setting “00H”.
REG15 (command recognition interval) (only for the headerless packet transmission mode) [Default: 00H]
If the packet to be transmitted in headerless packet transmission mode includes code "40H", which indicates
the command header (@), the data following the code is handled as a command, and the packet cannot be
transmitted normally. This register is used to avoid such problems. Code "40H" is handled as the
command header only when the code is input after a time gap between bytes that exceeds the value set in
this register.
The range of settings is 00H to FFH. The value is in units of 100 ms.
With the default setting (00H) of this register, code "40H" is always handled as the command header.
REG16 (unused)
[Default: 00H]
This register is not used. It should be default setting “00H”.
REG17 (unused)
[Default: 64H]
This register is not used. It should be default setting “00H”
REG18 (address check)
[Default: 8FH]
Bits 7 to 2: Not used
Bit 1: Group address check
Disabling group address check at reception
Enabling group address check at reception (default)
Only if the bit 0 of REG18 is 0, the bit 1 is available.
When the bit 1 is set to “0”, the FDP03 receives all data packets whatever the destination address of the data
packet is. On the other hand, the FDP03 only receives the data packets that destination address is
The FDP03 does not return ACK signal to the senders at both settings.
Bit 0: Destination address check
Disabling destination address check at reception
Enabling destination address check at reception (default)
When the bit 0 is set to 0, the FDP03 receives all data packets whatever the destination address of the data
packet is. At this setting, the FDP03 does not send back any ACK signal.
When the bit 0 is set to 1, the FDP03 checks the destination addresses of data packets and receives only if
the destination address is consists with its wireless address. At this setting, the FDP03 returns ACK signal
to the host.