Front side only, Reverse
phase switching
Front side only, Reverse phase
and same phase switching
Front side only, reverse phase, same
phase, and rear side only switching
4WS Mixing
(Channel setup)
The channel list screen used for rear steering is displayed. Tap the auxiliary channel that
connected the servo of rear steering.
- When all channels are in use, a screen saying "No assignable channel" is displayed, please turn off other mixing
and make an unused channel. You can check the mixing used on the channel setting screen (page 75).
- T7PX can also be used for rear steering by setting the throttle to another auxiliary channels setting function (P75)
and making Ch.2 assignable channel (page 75).
(4WS type selection)
Touch the 4WS type and select [Type 1], [Type 2], [Type 3]or
[Type 4].
"Type1" :Function OFF (front only)
"Type2" :Front side only, reverse phase switching
"Type3" :Front side only, reverse phase and same phase switching
"Type4" :Front side only, reverse phase, same phase, and rear side only switching
Switched in the order shown in the fi gure below by set SW
For S-FHSS (analog)
system, 1 to 7 chan-
nels are displayed.
If there is no assignable
channel, tap [Close]. Turn
off other mixing and make
assignable channels.
To set the throttle
to another auxiliary
channel and use it
for steering 2, tap
[Yes]. To cancel,
[No] is tapped.
- Tap T4WS type.
Type 1/ Type 2/ Type3/ Type 4
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