Fulton Boiler FBS Series
25 FBS 01/05
Pilot flame, no main flame
4. Flame detector defective, sight tube
obstructed or lens dirty.
5. Insufficient or no voltage at main fuel valve
circuit terminal.
Burner stays in low fire
Pressure or temperature above modulating
control setting.
2.Manual-automatic switch in wrong position.
3. Inoperative modulating motor.
Shutdown occurs during firing
1. Loss or stoppage of fuel supply.
2. Defective fuel valve; loose electrical
3. Flame detector weak or defective.
4. Scanner lens dirty or sight tube
5. If the programmer lockout switch has not
tripped, check the limit circuit for an
opened safety control.
6. If the programmer lockout switch has
a. Check fuel lines and valves.
b. Check flame detector.
c. Check for open circuit in running interlock
d. The flame failure light is energized by
ignition failure, main flame failure,
inadequate flame signal, or open control
in the running interlock circuit.
7. Interlock device inoperative or defective.
8. Air in the oil lines. Bleed lines.
Boiler will not maintain pressure
1. Check oil supply in the supply tank. Check
for clogged nozzle. clean or replace it.
Check oil filter and replace if necessary.
2. Check gas supply.
3. The flue is too dirty. Clean it.
4. Check the steam pressure switch, reset it
if necessary.
5. Steam is overloaded, reduce it.
Water pump does not
Start or stop normally
1. Check the connection of water probe.
2. Check and clean the water probe.
3. Check the water level relay, if necessary
replace it.
Low water alarm/burner shut off will not
act in time
1. check for tightness and clean the
2. clean or replace the dirty probes
3. Replace the water level relay
Check the tightness of the earth
Starting the boiler, the high limit steam
pressure limit is illuminated and the
burner stops
1. Boiler is completely filled with water,
blown down the boiler to normal water
2. On/Off pressure switch has failed, check
the reading on the pressure gauge.