XG700 User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2005-2006
6.3 Updating Firmware
The XG700 can hold two versions of firmware. If you perform a firmware update, the inactive firmware will be updated. The
XG700 automatically uses the new firmware (updated version) during reboot after the firmware update. If it fails to start the
new firmware for some reason, it automatically uses the old version (the one that has not been updated). If you have problems
with the new version, you can manually select the old version.
First, we describes the procedures for updating firmware.
Preparing the TFTP Server
(the same as those listed in "Preparing the TFTP Server" in "Uploading/Downloading
Configuration File")
Updating Firmware
Then, we describe the procedures for selecting the firmware you want to use.
Selecting Firmware
6.3.1 Updating Firmware
This section describes the procedures involved when updating firmware using a TFTP server.
1. After you log into the XG700, use the "
" command to switch to administrator EXEC mode.
xg> enable
2. Using the "
" command, perform a firmware update.
If you perform a firmware update, the inactive firmware will be updated.
In the following example, the firmware is updated using firmware file "XF10100" stored on a TFTP server "host1".
xg# update-system tftp host1 XF10100
3. Upon successful completion of firmware update, check the version number of the updated firmware (E/L) and see if the
status of a firmware update is "(new)" using the "
show system information
" command. During the update, the status of
the update changes to"(writing)".
When the firmware update has successfully completed, the new update firmware is displayed in "Next Startup
xg# show system information
Firmware Information
: E99L99 XF9999 2005/08/21-18:42:52
Updated Time
: 2005/08/21-22:08:12
: E99L99 XF9999 2005/08/22-19:27:12 (new)
Updated Time
: 2005/08/23-10:57:53
Current Firmware
: [1]
Displays the status of update.
Next Startup Firmware
: [2]
4. Upon completion of the firmware update, reboot the XG700 using the "
" command.
xg# reset
Do you restart system? (y/n) :
A confirmation message is displayed.
If the reboot (starting the new firmware) fails, the old version is automatically selected and booted. If this is the case, the
following message is output to the log.
XG WARNING[S7520]: init-firmup: Booting new firmware failed. Old firmware '%1$' is now running.
Old firmware was run because new updated firmware was not successfully run.
[[Inserted string]]%1$: Firmware version information