Chapter 4 Supported Software
This chapter describes the software (ServerView and RemoteControlService) that is
supported on the remote service board.
The following software are supported on the remote service board.
ServerView V03.00 or later
This software allows you to monitor the server state and remote control the server.
RemoteControlService V3.00 or later
This software allows you to display the server unit's screen during POST processing or
enter values on the keyboard from the administrator's terminal.
ServerView and RemoteControlService are stored on the ServerView CD provided with
the server unit.
For details on how to install ServerView and RemoteControlService, refer to the
"PRIMERGY Software Guide" provided with the server unit.
For details on how to use ServerView and RemoteControlService, refer to the
"ServerView User's Guide" in the ServerView CD-ROM.
Install RemoteControlService on the administrator's terminal to remote control
the BIOS setup utility, for example.
The remote service board device driver is included in ServerView, and is
installed automatically when ServerView is installed on the server unit. Be sure
to install ServerView on the server unit to use the remote server board. If
ServerView is already installed, it need not be reinstalled.
When ServerView V02.51 or older is already installed, uninstall the old version
before installing ServerView V03.00 or newer.
When RemoteControlService V2.05 or older is already installed, uninstall the
old version before installing RemoteControlService V3.00 or newer.