3.1 Setting Up Internet Explorer
Setting Trusted Sites for Internet Explorer
Add the URL of a target scanner to a local intranet or add it as a trusted site for Internet
If not set, connection to a scanner is blocked, and certification cannot be installed.
Adding the Scanner to a Local Intranet
1. Select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu in Internet Explorer.
The [Internet Options] dialog box appears.
2. On the [Security] tab, select [Local Intranet].
3. Press the [Sites] button.
The [Local Intranet] dialog box appears.
4. Press the [Advanced] button.
5. Clear the [Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone]
check box.
6. Enter the URL of the scanner in the [Add this website to the zone] field,
and press the [Add] button.
Example: http://
IP_address or scanner_name
Adding the Scanner as a Trusted Site
1. Select [Internet Options] from the [Tools] menu in Internet Explorer.
The [Internet Options] dialog box appears.
2. On the [Security] tab, select [Trusted sites].
3. Press the [Sites] button.
The [Trusted sites] dialog box appears.
4. Clear the [Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone]
check box.
5. Enter the URL of the scanner in the [Add this website to the zone] field,
and press the [Add] button.
Example: http://
IP_address or scanner_name