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Issuing the FORMAT UNIT Command
Issue the FORMAT UNIT command and initialize the entire disk media surface.
In this FORMAT UNIT command, the entire disk media surface is initialized using the P List,
then after initialization, the data blocks are verified. If any defective blocks are detected in the
Verify operation, alternate blocks are allocated for those data blocks. Also, the defect position
information for only the defective data blocks detected in the Verify operation is recorded in
the G List.
The contents which need to be specified at this time are as follows.
a. CDB Specification
Specify "0" in the "FmtData" bit and the "CmpLst" and "000" in the "Defect List Format"
field in the CDB.
b. FORMAT Parameters
If the items values in the previous item are specified in the CDB, the Format parameter is
not necessary.