- Glossary
To make inoperative for a period of time. Your notebook uses various suspension states to reduce
power consumption and prolong the charge of your battery.
Status Indicator
A display which reports the condition of some portion of your hardware. On your notebook this is an
LCD screen just above the keyboard.
Stereo (audio)
A system using two channels to process sound from two different sources.
Subnet mask
TCP-IP network is controlled by being divided into multiple smaller networks (subnets). IP address
consists of the subnet address and the address of each computer. Subnet mask defines how many bits
of IP address comprise the subnet address. The same value shall be set among computers
communicating with each other.
Super VGA.
Super Video. A component video system for driving a TV or computer monitor.
System Clock
An oscillator of fixed precise frequency which synchronizes the operation of the system and is counted
to provide time of day and date.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A standard Internet protocol that is most widely