IP-HE950 Hardware User's Guide
Copyright 2017 FUJITSU LIMITED
(6) Power-on
1) Set the power switch on the front panel to the ON position.
2) Confirm that the PWR LED on the front panel goes on.
(7) Unit test
1) Immediately after being turned on, this unit executes a self-check, and the RDY LED
starts blinking. Confirm that the blinking RDY LED stays on after the completion of
the unit self-check and system startup.
2) If the self-check detects an abnormal situation, the alarm LED (ALM) goes on.
(8) System test
1) Setting check
Configure unit operation settings from a control terminal in accordance with system
2) Input video check
Confirm that video input to this unit is correctly output to a monitor (television).
3) Data communication check
Check for acknowledgement of communication over the network used by the system.
4) Operation status check
When the system is operating after the final settings are done, confirm that the unit
status LED (RDY) on the front of the unit lights up in green, and that the alarm LED
(ALM) is off.