Instruction Manual
Parameter loader for multi-loop
module-type temperature controller
(For version 2.2.0 or later)
International Sales Div
Sales Group
Gate City Ohsaki, East Tower, 11-2, Osaki 1-chome,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan
Phone: 81-3-5435-7280, 7281 Fax: 81-3-5435-7425
Thank you very much for purchasing Fuji’s multi-loop module-type temperature controller. Please read this instruction manual
carefully before using the instrument. Make sure that this instruction manual will be handed over to the final user of this
software (PUM parameter loader).
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
This manual is complied with possible care for the purpose of accuracy, however, Fuji Electric shall not be held liable for any
damages, including indirect damage, caused by typographical errors, absence of information or use of information in this
1 About the copyright of this software ................... 3
2 Outline ................................................................. 3
3 Operating environment ........................................ 3
4 Installing/uninstalling the software ....................... 4
Installation ..................................................................... 4
Uninstallation ................................................................ 6
5 Connecting your PC to the module-type temperature controller .. 7
Connection with RS-232C ............................................ 7
6 Starting the PUM parameter loader ....................11
Startup mode/Initial values startup mode ................... 13
Selecting mode/File selection startup mode .............. 17
Selecting mode/module data reception launch mode .... 19
7 Initial setting ....................................................... 23
8 Parameter setting .............................................. 25
“PUM loader – PUM Parameters Support” screen..... 25
Setting parameters ..................................................... 29
Favorite ....................................................................... 31
Switching between display ON and OFF .................... 35
Relevant parameters .................................................. 37
Online function ............................................................ 39
Module composition.................................................... 41
Checking the type code .............................................. 43
Displaying trend .......................................................... 45
Copying parameters ................................................... 47
Copy and paste ........................................................... 51
UnDo ........................................................................... 52
Function of Station No. Change ................................. 53
Function of adding and deleting Station No. .............. 55
Insert ........................................................................... 57
Compare parameter to initial Data ............................. 58
Parameter list .............................................................. 61
Uploading (Transmission from PUM to PC) ............... 63
Downloading (Transmission from PC to PUM) ...........66
Opening files ...............................................................69
Saving the setting in a file ........................................... 71
Exiting the PUM parameter loader ............................. 72
Multi launcher function................................................ 73
9 Troubleshooting ................................................. 74
10 Table of corresponding revision No. to PUM parameter loader.. 76