controller may request larger consumed and/or produced data sizes, but all unreferenced consumed
data will be ignored, and all unreferenced produced data will contain dummy “0” values). The first word
(two bytes) of consumed data will be written to function code S06 (operation command register) and the
second word will be written to function code S05 (frequency command). Similarly, the first word of
produced data will contain the value of function code M14 (status register) and the second word will
contain the value of function code M09 (output frequency).
5.6.5 Submitting
Whenever any of the EtherNet/IP
configuration elements (Device Name,
I/O array configurations etc.) have been
changed, the “submit” button located in
the right-hand portion of the web page
must be clicked in order to write these
settings to the interface card’s filesystem. Refer to Figure 44.
5.6.6 Reinitialize
Refer to section 5.4.4.
Figure 44: Submit Configuration Changes
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