Maintenance, inspection, and parts replacement
To avoid electrical shock, remove all power from the inverter and wait at least five minutes prior to
starting inspection. Additionally, confirm that the DC link bus voltage as measured between the P
(+) and N (-) terminals is less than 25 VDC.
Maintenance, inspection, and parts replacement should be performed only by qualified personnel.
Remove all watches, rings and other metallic objects prior to starting work.
To avoid electrical shock or other injuries, always use insulated tools.
Contact the local or state environmental agency in your area for details on the disposal of
electrical components and packaging.
Do not attempt to modify the equipment: doing so may cause electrical shock or injuries.
For clarity purposes, illustrations in this manual may be drawn with covers or safety guards
removed. Ensure all covers and safety guards are properly installed prior to starting operation.
Do not perform hi-pot tests on the equipment.
Performing a data initialization (function code H03) may reset all inverter function codes to their
factory default settings. After performing this operation, remember to reenter any custom function
code values prior to starting operation.
The following icons are used throughout this manual:
Indicates information which, if not heeded, can result in the product not operating to full
efficiency, as well as information concerning incorrect operations and settings which may
result in accidents.
Indicates information that can prove handy when performing certain settings or operations.
Indicates a reference to more detailed information.
CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: www.ctiautomation.net - Email: [email protected]