2017 Fueltec Model CF50E Fuel Polishing System
The Model CF75.0 is equipped with a clear sight tube to observe water levels in real time as
moisture is separated from the fuel
Water can be drained while the system
is in operation by opening the drain
Separated water level
The Fueltec Model CF50E Fuel Polishing System
Exceeds engine manufacture
s cleanliness levels for tier four engines.
Water separation flow rate 50 GPM, 3,000 gallons per hour
Downstream free water level typically below (100) PPM
Filtration flow rate 50 GPM, 3,000 gallons per hour
Down to one (1) micron to meet ISO 4406 particle counts
This system is designed for diesel only
Not for fluid with a flash point
below 100 deg. F, gasoline, jet fuel, or ethanol
Clean dry fuel return to tank after
water separation