FSD International
Commander 115 TC
Pilot Operating Handbook
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Copyright© 2008 by FSD International. All rights reserved.
For use with Microsoft Flight Simulator only. Not to be used for real-world aviation.
Controllable trim tabs, located on the inboard trailing edge of each elevator segment, are operated
by an elevator trim tab control wheel installed in the center console. A portion of the trim tab
control wheel extends through the center console, and when rotated, actuates the trim tab through
a mechanical linkage consisting of cables, chains and jackscrew assembly and push rods that
attach to the trim tab. Turnbuckles are utilized for rigging and adjusting cable tensions. An
indicator strip, visible through a slot in the console, indicates neutral, nose up or nose down
positions. Rotating the wheel forward, toward the nose-down indicator will provide nose down trim;
rotation in the opposite direction produces nose-up trim. As the elevator is moved up and down,
the position of the tabs changes in a trailing edge up or down direction respectively for improved
longitudinal stability.
Dual rudder-brake control pedals enable the pilot or copilot to control the rudder, brakes, and nose
wheel steering. The rudder control system consists of mechanical linkage and cables connecting the
rudder pedals to the rudder. The rudder pedals are connected to rudder bars, which in turn are
connected to the rudder bell crank with push-pull rods. Cables are attached to the bell crank and
are routed aft through a series of pulleys to the rudder horn. When force is applied to one rudder
pedal, the cables move in opposite directions, turning the rudder horn and rudder. The pedals are
connected to the nose wheel steering system with cables and bungee assemblies which act as
return springs for the rudder pedals. The rudder pedals are interconnected to the aileron controls
as outlined in the aileron control system for improved lateral stability.
A rudder trim control knob, labeled RUDDER TRIM is mounted to the left of the console, below the
lower edge of the instrument panel, and provides manual control of trim around the vertical axis.
Directional trimming results from the inputs to the rudder control system of the rudder trim bungee
spring which is biased by the position of the trim knob. Rotation of knob clockwise will yaw the
airplane to the right, opposite rotation will yaw the airplane to the left. An indicator is incorporated
in the switch panel above the trim knob to indicate rudder trim position.
The nose wheel steering system is tied in with the rudder trim system and is controlled by
movement of the rudder/brake pedals. A combination of cables, bungees, bell cranks, turnbuckles
and pulleys operate the nose wheel steering and give the airplane a minimum turn radius of 28'
5.5". Nose wheel turning limit is + 300.