Care, maintenance and disposal
Work that is carried out incorrectly may result in serious injury or damage to prop
► The activities described below must only be carried out by trained and qualified per
► Observe the safety rules in the power source Operating Instructions.
An electric shock can be fatal.
Before opening the unit
► Turn the mains switch to the "O" position
► Unplug the device from the mains
► Put up an easy-to-understand warning sign to stop anybody inadvertently switching it
back on again
► Using a suitable measuring device, check to make sure that electrically charged com
ponents (e.g. capacitors) have discharged
An inadequate ground conductor connection can cause serious injury or damage.
The housing screws provide a suitable ground conductor connection for earthing the hous
► The housing screws must NOT be replaced by any other screws that do not provide a
reliable ground conductor connection.
Under normal operating conditions, the device requires only a minimum of care and main
tenance. However, it is vital to observe some important points to ensure the device remains
in a usable condition for many years.
At every start-up
Check the mains plug, mains cable and ground (earth) connection for damage
Check that there is a gap of 0.5 m (1 ft. 7.69 in.) all around the machine to ensure that
cooling air can flow and escape unhindered
Air inlets and outlets must never be covered, not even partially.
Every 2 months
Clean the air filter (if fitted)