For repairs, controls or replacement of damaged parts, we suggest you to apply directly to the
manufacturer or to replace the damaged parts with equivalent materials, especially as far as safety
is concerned:
- power cord with plug (2 ground)
- switch (push button)
Before any mechanical or electrical maintenance, it is compulsory to switch the machine off and to
pull the plug.
: the repairs are to be carried out by qualified people.
Regularly check the goods conditions of the machine, of the power cord and plug.
The pondered equivalent continuous level of acoustic pressure A produced by the machine while
operating under load is under 70 decibels (A) and that the maximum pondered instantaneous value
of acoustic pressure C is under 130 decibels.
All the machines have been designed and manufactured strictly in compliance with the current
national and international norms, more particularly:
UNI EN ISO 7010: 2015.
UNI EN ISO 12100: 2010.
UNI EN ISO 13849-1: 2016.
UNI EN ISO 13857: 2008 + EC1: 2010.
UNI EN ISO 14119: 2013.
UNI EN ISO 14120: 2015.
CEI EN 60204-1: 2006 + EC1: 2010. Part 1.
UNI EN 1672-2: 2009. Part 2.
It must be underlined that, once assembled and before being packed, all the machines undergo a
checking test carried out by an electronical equipment called “CHECKING DESK” which controls:
Earth continuity
Dielectrical rigidity
Starting of the machine empty, recording: the absorbed power, the applied tension and absorbed
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