Connecting the Interface
Module to the Smoke Alarm:
9) Connect the pre-fitted cable
from the Interface Module to
the terminals on the back of the
smoke alarm as follows:
Connect the marked wire from
terminal of the I n t e r f a c e
M o d u l e t o t h e terminal
marked ‘1’ on the back of the
Smoke Alarm.
Connect the unmarked wire
from the - terminal of the
I n t e r f a c e M o d u l e t o t h e
terminal marked ‘2’ on the
back of the Smoke Alarm.
10) Open the Smoke Alarm, connect
the battery to the battery clip
a n d f i t t h e b a t t e r y i n t o t h e
battery holder.
Testing the Smoke Alarm:
11) Press and hold down the test
button on Smoke Alarm.
The Smoke Alarm siren should
12) The Interface Module will be
triggered immediately after the
smoke alarm starts sounding
The indicator LED on the
Interface Module should
illuminate for approximately
1 second to show a signal
has been transmitted.
The Control Panel should
beep and indicate a FIRE
signal on the LEDs or Display.
I f t h e S m o k e A l a r m a n d
C o n t r o l P a n e l d o e s n o t
respond correctly remove the
batteries and recheck steps
2 to 10 before proceeding.
After the Smoke Alarm
stops sounding the Interface
Module requires a 3s period
t o r e s e t b e f o r e i t c a n b e
retriggered again.
W i r e f r e e A l a r m I n t e r f a c e M o d u l e