These instructions should be read in conjunction with your Alarm System
Installation and Operating Manual and the Smoke Alarm instructions, they
should be retained for future reference.
Friedland hereby declares that this
wirefree Alarm Interface Module is
in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant
provisions of the R&TTE directive,
This Interface Module is designed for
use with Friedland Wirefree Intruder
Alarm systems incorporating a
suitable Control Panel and operating
at 433MHz only.
When the connected Smoke Alarm
activates, the Interface Module
provides a link to the alarm system
that will generate an alarm on your
security system.
The Smoke Alarm and Interface
Module are suitable for mounting in
dry interior locations only.
T h e S m o k e A l a r m m u s t b e
p o s i t i o n e d a c c o r d i n g t o t h e
guidelines stated in its instruction
In addition, the Interface Module
m u s t b e m o u n t e d w i t h i n t h e
specified radio range of 50m to the
Control Panel. Don’t forget to allow
for any obstructions in between that
may reduce this range. Take care
not to position the device directly
o n t o , b e h i n d o r v e r y c l o s e t o
metalwork, as this could affect the
operating range of your system.
If using the interconnect
feature on the smoke alarm then
only one Alarm Interface Module
should be connected to a single
Smoke Alarm only.
Wirefree Alarm Interface Module