FreeWave Technologies
HT Ethernet Addendum
Glossary of Terms:
Ethernet Modem:
The entire FreeWave modem, which includes a Radio Modem
and an Ethernet Interface.
Ethernet Bridge:
A bridge between two Ethernet LANs, using an Ethernet modem
at each end.
Radio Modem:
The radio portion of the Ethernet Modem. It communicates with
other radio modems.
Ethernet Interface:
The Ethernet portion of the Ethernet Modem. It translates and
filters data between the LAN and the Radio Modem.
Radio Link:
The link between FreeWave radios.
(Local Area Network): A computer network, such as Ethernet.
The condition when one LAN device tries to transmit while
another device is already transmitting.
(Network Interface Card): A device that translates between a
LAN and a computer, typically found inside a personal computer.
A smart device for connecting many Ethernet devices together.
A smart device for directing the Ethernet packets from one
network to another.
A dumb device for connecting many Ethernet devices together.
Ethernet Device:
Any device that attaches to an Ethernet LAN, typically using an
RJ45 connector.
Asymmetric Data
Data that flows primarily in one direction.
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