DEMO9S08QE8 User Manual
The Cyclone PRO comes with intuitive configuration software and interactive
programming software, as well as easy to use automated control software.
The Cyclone PRO also functions as a full-featured debug interface, and is
supported by Freescale’s CodeWarrior as well as development software from
P&E’s Cyclone PRO is also available bundled with additional software as part
of various Development Packages. In addition to the Cyclone PRO, these
Development Packages include in-circuit debugging software, flash
programming software, a Windows IDE, and register file editor.
DEMO9S08QE8 Is Undetected
The connection assistant indicates that my DEMO9S08QE8 is undetected
even though I have connected the hardware to my USB port. What should I
The connection assistant, which displays in either Codewarrior or P&E’s
development software, is a dialog which allows the user to connect to the
DEMO9S08QE8 hardware. If this dialog indicates that the DEMO9S08QE8
hardware is not connected to the PC, the first step is to make sure that the
DEMO9S08QE8 hardware is connected to the PC via a USB 2.0 high-speed
cable. If it is connected, unplug and then plug in the USB cable on the
DEMO9S08QE8 board and click refresh in the connection assistant. If the
hardware still does not show up, try the following remedies:
(A) Re-Enable the USB driver
If you connected the DEMO9S08QE8 interface prior to installing P&E’s
Embedded Multilink drivers, Windows will not have been able to find the
appropriate driver and may have disabled the device. The DEMO9S08QE8
board shows up in Window’s device manager as a “P&E Multilink,” since it
contains P&E’s Embedded Multilink circuitry. If you unplug and then plug in
the device, Windows will automatically disable it even if you have installed the
drivers. To force windows to try to load the driver again, perform the following
steps while the DEMO9S08QE8 interface is connected to the computer:
1. Open the Control Panel (Start Button->Settings->Control Panel)