My Library
View all the eBooks, eNews and eDocs you have on your PC.
My Device List
Displays the list of external devices Mobipocket Reader has communicated
with on your PC.
Online Account
Logs you into your account at Internet access is
required. If you don’t already have an account set up, you can create one
when you purchase eBooks.
Opens a store of eBooks that you can purchase and download to read on
your PC.
Opens a store of eNewspapers that you can subscribe to and read on your
Removable Storage
This is the name of your USB Dictionary & Thesaurus. Click this at any time
to return to the dictionary.
Tool Bar
The Tool Bar is a list of buttons you can access while reading a document. Note: These options
change depending on where you are in the Mobipocket Reader.
go to a document’s table of contents, if available.
go to the previous page.
go to the next page.
go back to a previous location.
go forward to a previous location.
increase the font size.
decrease the font size.