Instructions how to quickly start up the camera can be found in the quick start guide:
FRAMOS Camera Suite SDK
The FRAMOS CameraSuite Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a set of tools, guides
and samples, used for configuration and image acquisition from GigE Vision cameras. The
CameraSuite SDK consists of the following components:
CameraSuite API - Application Programming Interface (API) for configuration and
image acquisition from GigE Vision cameras
FRAMOS GigE Vision filter driver - High-performance network filter driver designed to
ensure optimal performance of the GigE Vision cameras
Sample code - Example source code for various CameraSuite API functions
Tools - tools used for operating the FRAMOS Industrial Depth Cameras
FRAMOS CameraSuite API, assisted by FRAMOS GigE Vision filter driver, acts as a middleware
between FRAMOS Industrial Depth Camera D435e and Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0, allowing
D435e camera to be used by tools based on the Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0.
Set IP Configuration
ConfigureIP tool is used to configure the IP address of a FRAMOS Industrial Depth Camera.
Supported IP configurations are:
Persistent IP - fixed IP address which is stored in camera non-volatile memory
DHCP - camera attempts to acquire IP address via DHCP protocol
LLA - camera attempts to acquire IP address via LLA protocol, always enabled
The camera and network interface card (NIC) that is used to connect to the camera need to
be on the same subnet for the camera to be accessible by the software. For this reason, the
ConfigureIP tool allows to temporarily change the current IP address of the camera. This is
useful in situations where NIC and camera are on different subnets, and IP configuration of the
NIC cannot be changed.
Usage example on Linux - setting persistent IP address, disable DHCP:
Select camera from list, and then set the desired IP configuration: