► Flash Write Protection
This item is used to enable/disable to the flash write protection.
Advanced Chipset Features
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2011, American Megatrends, Inc.
Advanced Chipset Features
Northbridge Chipset Configuration
Help Item
► Memory Configuration
[Press Enter]
► DRAM Timing Configuration
[Press Enter]
CAS Latency (Tcl)
: N/A , 9 CLK
RAS/CAS Delay (Trcd)
: N/A , 9 CLK
Row Precharge Time (Trp) :N/A , 9 CLK
Min Active RAS (Tras)
:N/A , 24 CLK
RAS/RAS Delay (Trrd)
:N/A , 4 CLK
Row Cycle (Trc)
:N/A , 33 CLK
OnChip VGA Frame Buffer Size [128MB]
↑↓←→:Move Enter:Select +/-/:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help
F9:Optimized Defaults
[Press Enter]
► Memory Configuration/DRAM Timing Configuration
Press <Enter> to go to its submenu.
The following six items display the DRAM timing values.
► CAS Latency(Tcl)
This item shows the CAS latency. The CAS Latency is the number of clock cycles that elapse
from the time the request for data is sent to the actual memory location until the data is
transmitted from the module.
► RAS / CAS Delay(Trcd)
This item displays a delay time (in clock cycles) between the CAS and RAS strobe
► Row Precharge Time(Trp)
This item shows the number of clock cycles taken between issuing of the precharge command
and the active command. The DRAM row precharge time is in unit of clock cycle.
► Min Active RAS(Tras)
Displays the number of clock cycles taken between a bank active command and
issuing of the precharge command.
► RAS / RAS Delay(Trrd)
This item shows a delay time (in clock cycles) between the RAS and RAS strobe signals.
► Row Cycle(Trc)
This item displays the minimum timing interval between successive active commands to the
same bank. The row cycle time is in unit of clock cycle.
► OnChip VGA Frame Buffer Size
Allocates system memory for use as video memory to ensure the most efficient use of avail