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935-0003 Rev C
12 of 33
Local Mode
Local mode occurs in several cases. If the SRC is powered on, but cannot connect to a VSC, the LCD display
will show it is in Searching Mode. This can occur if the VSC is not powered, or if the SRC is not in range to
the VSC. The SRC display will look similar to the following in Searching Mode.
Figure 9: Local Mode
If the VSC is in Local mode, then it cannot connect to its paired device. This can occur if the paired device
is not powered, or the paired device is not in range to the VSC, or because the Estop was triggered on the
paired device. This is considered an unsafe operating condition because the operator cannot establish a
communication link to the vehicle. When the VSC and the paired device are not connected, the VSC will
continue to output the heartbeat message with an indication that the Emergency Stop is active because of
the unsafe condition. The VSC will also continue to output the joystick message with all values set to 0 to
guarantee no motion will occur. The Master Enable outputs from the VSC will also be asserted and can be
used to prevent motion.
Remote Mode
Remote mode occurs when the SRC and the VSC first establish a connection. When in Remote mode, the
VSC will continue to output the heartbeat message. The VSC will also continue to output the joystick
message with all values set to 0 to guarantee no motion will occur until the user is ready. The VSC
s Master
Enable relay output from the VSC is energized providing a closed-circuit condition indicating a safe state.
The SRC display will look like the following in Local Mode.
Figure 10: Remote Mode
Pause Mode
When in Pause Mode, the SRC and the VSC have established a communication link, however no motion is
intended. The SRC display will look like the following in Pause Mode.