The two most common types of high quality exterior wood finish are penetrating finish and film finish.
Penetrating finishes are predominantly oil or wax based and they work by soaking into the surface layers of
timber to provide a tough, durable, weather resistant finish. These finishes are extremely thin in viscosity in
order to penetrate the microscopic pores of timber. The more coats applied, the further the finish penetrates
the timber and the better the protection against UV rays, due to the build up of pigment (colour).
Penetrating finishes are extremely easy to apply and maintain. When the finished surface starts to look tired
and worn, it is simply a case of reapplying a fresh coat with no need to sand, strip back or remove the old finish.
Penetrating finishes are forgiving of patch repairs; localised areas of wear are, therefore, easy to repair and
blend with the surrounding areas.
Film finishes provide a protective film layer upon the surface of the timber and each coat applied increases the
thickness of the film layer. The resins are polymer based and are usually alkyds or acrylic which bond together
during the drying process to form the film. These types of finishes are constructed in such a way that the top
coat will start to deteriorate with the coat losing its colour and sheen when maintenance is required.
Preparation is fundamental before applying a film finish. A primer coat has to be applied to provide a key
for the film finish to adhere to. Without a primer coat, film finishes have a tendency to crack during timber
movement. This leaves the exposed timber vulnerable and, as more water gets under the film, it can then peel
leaving the timber further exposed. In the event of cracking and peeling, the entire finish has to be removed
using a heat gun and scraper.
Recently, a third finish has entered the market and is increasing in popularity. This is a penetrating/ film finish
hybrid. It offers all the advantages of both types of finish and provides superior timber protection. It doesn’t
crack or peel and is easy to apply and maintain.
A suitable exterior timber finish must be applied to the exterior of your Xtend garden building in order
to validate your guarantee. Always read and follow manufacturer’s usage and application guidelines. We
recommend the following exterior finishes:
Sikkens Cetol HLS Plus
Restol Wood Oil
Timmersol ETS Double Protectant
Osmo Country Colour
Osmo Natural Oil Woodstain
These finishes have been proven to stabilise the movement of timber associated with garden rooms. The
majority of issues which arise are a direct result of an inferior finish being applied to the garden room. As
such, in the rare event of a problem, you will be asked to
provide photographic evidence of your receipt
purchase for any of the products listed above.
All treatment should be carried out once the Xtend has been constructed. You do not need to worry about
treating the underside of your floor panels. These are already pre-covered in tar as they are in direct contact
with the ground. The roof will be covered in a EPDM rubber material which will not split or crack in the different
weather conditions and will keep your Xtend garden building roof completely waterproof all year round.
The pre-covered tar of the underside of the floor panels will protect your building from rising damp and prevent
damp from penetrating the panels.
A suitable interior timber finish can be applied to the interior untreated battens and the window and
door framing, if you desire. Always read and follow manufacturer’s usage and application guidelines. We
recommend the following interior finishes:
Osmo Polyx®-Oil Original
Osmo Uviwax® UV-Protection
Do not use a solvent based cleaner when cleaning the plastic of the window and door frames.
E.g. Osmo Natural Oil Woodstain