HD Radio Reception and Station Troubleshooting
Potential reception issues
If you are listening to a multicast station and you are on the fringe of the
reception area, the station may mute due to weak signal strength.
If you are listening to HD1, the system switches back to the analog
broadcast until the digital broadcast is available again. However, if you
are listening to any of the possible HD2-HD7 multicast channels, the
station mutes and stays muted unless it is able to connect to the digital
signal again.
When the system first receives a station (aside from HD2-HD7 multicast
stations), it first plays the station in the analog version. Once the receiver
verifies the station is an HD Radio station, it shifts to the digital version.
Depending on the station quality, you may hear a slight sound change
when the station changes from analog to digital. Blending is the shift
from analog to digital sound or digital back to analog sound.
In order to provide the best possible
experience, use the contact form to report
any station issues found while listening to
a station broadcasting with HD Radio
technology. Independent entities own and
operate each station. These stations are
responsible for ensuring all audio streams
and data fields are accurate.
Potential station issues
No action required. This is a
broadcast issue.
This is poor time alignment by
the radio broadcaster.
Echo, stutter, skip or
repeat in audio.
Increase or decrease in
audio volume.
No action required. The recep-
tion issue may clear up as you
continue to drive.
The radio is shifting between
analog and digital audio.
Sound fading or
blending in and out.
No action required. This is
normal behavior. Wait until the
audio is available.
The digital multicast is not
available until the HD Radio
broadcast is decoded. Once
decoded, the audio is available.
There is an audio mute
delay when selecting
HD2 or HD3, multicast
preset or Direct Tune.
Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA
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