How Temperature Affects Your Tire
The tire pressure monitoring system
monitors tire pressure in each pneumatic
tire. While driving in a normal manner, a
typical passenger tire inflation pressure
may increase about 2 to 4 psi (14 to 28
kPa) from a cold start situation. If the
vehicle is stationary overnight with the
outside temperature significantly lower
than the daytime temperature, the tire
pressure may decrease about 3 psi (21
kPa) for a drop of 30°F (17°C) in ambient
temperature. This lower pressure value
may be detected by the tire pressure
monitoring system as being significantly
lower than the recommended inflation
pressure and activate the system warning
light for low tire pressure. If the low tire
pressure warning light is on, visually check
each tire to verify that no tire is flat. If one
or more tires are flat, repair as necessary.
Check the air pressure in the road tires. If
any tire is under-inflated, carefully drive
the vehicle to the nearest location where
air can be added to the tires. Inflate all the
tires to the recommended inflation
The use of tire sealant may damage
your tire pressure monitoring system
and should only be used in roadside
emergencies. If you must use a sealant, the
Ford Tire Mobility Kit sealant should be
used. The tire pressure monitoring system
sensor and valve stem on the wheel must
be replaced by an authorized dealer after
use of the sealant.
If the tire pressure monitor sensor
becomes damaged, it will no longer
function. See
Tire Pressure
Monitoring System
(page 254).
The tire pressure monitoring system
indicator light will illuminate when the spare
tire is in use. To restore the full function of
the monitoring system, all road wheels
equipped with tire pressure monitoring
sensors must be mounted on this vehicle.
If you get a flat tire while driving, do not
apply the brake heavily. Instead, gradually
decrease your speed. Hold the steering
wheel firmly and slowly move to a safe
place on the side of the road.
Have a flat serviced by an authorized
dealer in order to prevent damage to the
system sensors See
Tire Pressure
Monitoring System
(page 254). Replace
the spare tire with a road tire as soon as
possible. During repairing or replacing of
the flat tire, have the authorized dealer
inspect the system sensor for damage.
Dissimilar Spare Wheel and Tire
Assembly Information
Failure to follow these guidelines
could result in an increased risk of
loss of vehicle control, injury or death.
If you have a dissimilar spare wheel and
tire, then it is intended for temporary use
only. This means that if you need to use it,
you should replace it as soon as possible
with a road wheel and tire assembly that
is the same size and type as the road tires
and wheels that were originally provided
by Ford. If the dissimilar spare tire or wheel
is damaged, it should be replaced rather
than repaired.
A dissimilar spare wheel and tire assembly
is defined as a spare wheel and tire
assembly that is different in brand, size or
appearance from the road tires and wheels
and can be one of three types:
Focus (CDH) Canada/United States of America, enUSA
Wheels and Tires