AST 14 C 258/00
Heat dissipation from the collector
If the solar tank heater reaches the set temperature, this function prevents the solar
collectors from stagnating for a long time, which may cause them high thermal
stress. For this reason, the PS solar pump is reactivated according to the following
Tscs > (P22-10°C)
Tsvs < 95°C
and stopped when one of the following conditions occurs:
Tscs < (P22 -12°C)
This function is also disabled with Tscs > P22, and reactivated with Tscs < P22
decreased by 5°C.
Important. This function is only active if the DHW+HEATING, HEATING ONLY or
DHW ONLY operating mode is set on the boiler. It is not active in the event of
failure involving the SVS solar valve probe.
Tank heater cooling function
This function cools the tank heater to the set-point value, by dissipating any
excessive heat in the tank heater on the solar collector. This only occurs if the solar
tank heater has exceeded the set-point temperature following activation of the heat
dissipation function.
If the remote control is not connected, the tank heater cooling function is always
active. Otherwise, it is only enabled from 00.00am to 6.00am.
Activation of the PSOL solar pump for tank heater cooling:
Tsvs > P19 + 2°C
Tscs < Tsbs-
T ON (P20)
This function deactivates when the PSOL switches off under the following
Tsvs < P19
Tscs > Tsvs-
T OFF (P21)
Important. This function is only active if the DHW+HEATING, HEATING ONLY or
DHW ONLY operating mode is set on the boiler. It is not active in the event of
failure involving the SVS solar valve probe.
Set parameter P26 to 1 to activate this function,
Solar collector anti-freeze function
This function must be enabled by setting parameter P24 to 1. In this way, when the
temperature read by the collector probe is below 4°C, the PSOL solar pump
activates until the temperature reaches 5°C.