If the unit will not work , please feel free to have a serious panic attack , do consider running out of
the building and screaming loudly . When you have calmed down you could go through this short
check list . With the results from the check list , may we suggest a telephone call or fax to your
dealer or the factory .
Please only consider opening the unit up if you are sure that you understand enough not to cause
further problems , either to the unit or yourself . If the unit is a Power Amplifier please see
separately below.
First check the mains supply:
is the module connected to the mains supply ?
is the socket switched off ?
is the voltage select switch in the correct position?
if the supply is ok and the module turned on and no LEDs light then a fuse has probably
blown: please see earlier section in this manual about fuse arrangements.
If some LEDs light but the unit does not work properly, check the LEDs in this order:
the mains switch LED will only light if the ± 15v rails are ok.
the phase reverse or in switches LED will only light if the + 5v rail is ok.
the phantom switch LED will only light if the + 48v rail is ok.
These leds will allow you to see if a power rail has failed.
If a power rail has failed, please contact the dealer who supplied the module or call us at the factory
in the UK.
Miscellaneous Notes
Circuit Schematics
We do hope that you understand that in an endeavour to protect our designs and intellectual
property, Focusrite will only release circuit details (schematics, diagrams) to factory authorised
Distributors and Service Centres.
Your Comments
Despite our being manufacturers we do not have a monopoly on innovation or good ideas and we
would appreciate your opinions and comments about our products, and would welcome any
suggestions for improvements or additions that you may have thought of. Even if you have no
earth shattering ideas, we would still like to meet you at trade shows, so please look out for our
stand and come and introduce yourself.