L•TV Portable Pro
: I
If, at any point, you experience difficulty with any operational aspect of
L•TVPortable Pro, please refer to this section for help. In most cases, you can
easily identify and solve the problem. In fact, the least frequently occurring
problem is a defect in L•TVPortable Pro. The trouble-shooting section is pre-
sented in a simple format. To use it, first locate the type of problem you are
having by the major heading (in bold). Then follow the steps in the subtopics
to either resolve or isolate the problem.
The general rule of thumb to use when determining a
problem with any device is to try to isolate the problem.
Is the computer not putting out video? Is the TVmonitor
set up to receive video? Swapping components, such as
the computer, TV, VCR, Cables, and L•TV Portable Pro,
if available, can often help you determine the cause of your difficulty.
To make sure that L•TV Portable Pro is not broken, try to make your hard-
ware configuration as simple as possible and get it working. Then add in any
complicated additions. For example, you might try L•TVPortable Pro directly
connected to a TVif you’re having trouble looping it through a VCR to a TV.
Technical Support
If you still need help after following these trouble shooting techniques, tech-
nical support is available by contacting us at the address and telephone number
on the back cover of this manual. Should you need technical support, please
place the telephone near your computer with L•TV Portable Pro attached and
installed. Be ready to work with us to resolve your problem! You must have the
following information about your system available:
• Information about your computer, especially your brand of display
adapter and monitor
• Information about your Operating System such as contents of AUTOEX-
• Serial number of your L•TVPortable Pro (see white sticker on module)
L•TV Portable Pro
Here are some special tips for getting clean images from your computer to
your VCR with L•TVPortable Pro.
• Use the highest quality tape you can find. Avoid using tape that has
already been recorded.
• Keep the tape heads clean.
• Choose the highest quality VCR you can. A four-head VCR is better than
a two-head VCR. An “HQ” VCR is better than a non-“HQ” VCR. SVHS
(using S-Video) is better than VHS (using composite).
• Do not split the output from L•TVPortable Pro between two monitors or
between a monitor and a VCR. Impedance mismatch in the line will
cause significant loss of signal strength and will distort the image. If
you’d like to view the output from L•TV Portable Pro on a composite
monitor while recording it on a VCR, connect L•TVPortable Pro to the
“Video In” jack on your VCR, and connect the “Video Out” jack on your
VCR to your composite monitor. For distributing the signal to more than
one device simultaneously, a Video Distribution Amplifier is necessary,
such as those available from Comprehensive Video Supply in Northvale,
NJ (800) 526-0242.
S-Video vs Composite Output
L•TV Portable Pro is capable of outputting either composite or S-Video.
Composite uses a standard RCA connector and is perhaps the most common
video connection. S-Video is growing in popularity, however, because it offers
better color clarity and slightly better resolution.
If at all possible, use the S-Video connector instead of the composite
connector. Many modern cameras, VCR’s, and TV’s now have S-Video
connections. The results will be dramatically improved.